6 Pieces of Advice

6 Pieces of Advice from a Bird

By Veronica Good

February 19, 2018

1. Reach for New Heights

There is always something new to strive for! Take time to create manageable goals that will drive you to be the best you can be every day.

2. Don’t Let People Ruffle Your Feathers 

Sometimes people can get under your skin, but in the end, it’s what you think of yourself that matters. Don’t let anyone make you doubt how awesome you are.

3. Go Out on a Limb 

You’ll never know if you don’t try! Take a risk now and then. You never know what amazing things might happen.

4. Don’t Be Afraid to Wing It 

Routines get boring after a while (Well, minus dance routines of course.), so allow yourself to be spontaneous sometimes.

5. Travel Often 

There will always be one place that you call home, but adventures, experiences, and amazing people wait just outside of your comfort zone. Explore as much and as often as you can!

6. Reach for the Sky 

There is no limit to what you can do, but reaching for the sky is a pretty good place to start. Don’t hold yourself back with “I don’t know” or “I can’t do it.” Encourage yourself to reach higher and higher every day.