Teacher Tips

Your Most Powerful Tool: Becoming an Effective Leader and a Motivator {Brought to You by Debbie Roberts}

By Veronica Good

October 03, 2017

The Importance of Being a Leader

The title of “leader” or “studio director” must be earned by inspiring and motivating people to give their best. Effective leaders bring out the best in people by stimulating them to achieve what they thought as impossible. You are a leader of your many students and their families, also teachers and assistant teachers at your studio, and your community. One of the most powerful motivating tools available to managers and leaders is positive reinforcement.


Take a look at the following characteristics of leaders and followers. If you find that you might fall more into the follower category for some of the points, think of ways that you can work toward improving to take on the qualities of a leader in that particular area. For instance, if you find that you are a better talker than you are a listener, take a step back and actively listen to the people around you. Or, if you find that you tend to be more pessimistic than optimistic, work to replace your negative thoughts with positive ones!

✨Characteristics of✨