
How to Fuel Long Days of Dance

By Veronica Good

September 26, 2017

When you get ready for dance class, you know you need to be prepared to stretch and have all of your dance essentials at the ready. What’s more essential than food!? Here are some of our favorite snacks to take to dance class and their benefits:

Pre-Dance Class


via Pinterest

Oatmeal is the perfect way to start your day! Plus, it is full of carbs to fuel all of the exercise you are about to do in dance class. Add fruit or honey to make your oatmeal sweet and healthy.


Apples, banana, strawberries, and all of your other favorite fruits are a great way to get your day started before dance. These work best if you eat them (or drink them!) 5-1o minutes before your workout because they are lightweight but still provide a decent amount of necessary carbs. (And, they’re delicious!)

Rice Cakes

Rice cakes are great because they are a quick and customizable snack that is also easy to digest and a great way to quickly gain energy. Top your favorite flavor of rice cake with honey, fruit, or almond butter!

Post-Dance Class

via Ambitious Kitchen


Nothing beats water when it comes to rehydrating after a long workout like dance class! Grab your favorite sparkly water bottle and fill it up with some refreshing water.

Peanut Butter Balls

Peanut butter is full of good things like carbs and protein to refuel after dance class. But, why settle for a plain old PB&J? Try this 5-minute recipe from Ambitious Kitchen. They are full of delicious things including chocolate chips and shredded coconut perfect for a delicious after-dance snack.

Trail Mix

Customizable, fun, delicious… We could go on and on with reasons why trail mix is amazing! The best part about trail mix for a post-dance class snack is that you can decide what you need most after dance and tailor your mix to your specific needs! Check out some of our favorite mixes here.


Fill your after dance menu with your favorite vegetables. We recommend eating them with something delicious to dip them in! A great combination is carrots and hummus.