
Visit Myrtle Beach! (Showstopper Convention Style)

By Veronica Good

August 28, 2023

We’re Making a Splash in Myrtle Beach!

When we’re in our home state of South Carolina, Showstopper dances just a few blocks from the waves at the Myrtle Beach Convention Center. Myrtle Beach is our hometown and we pull out all the stops, making it an incredible weekend of dance you cannot miss. This is our largest venue!

Some of Our Favorite Things to Do Outside of Class:

Dance It Out

With classes for Juniors, Seniors, and Tweens every hour, the weekend is packed from Friday evening through Sunday evening with all of your favorite dance styles! From kickline Rockettes style to funky jazz and enough hip hop to keep you dancing all weekend, there’s something for every dancer. Feeling adventurous? You can also explore bonus classes in voice, acting, song and dance, leaps and turns, cheerleading, auditioning, and more!

What to Expect:

Beyond the Dance Floor

When you’re not in class, the Showstopper store is open throughout the weekend to shop our latest merchandise. Plus, there are even things for teachers to do from attending classes with their dancers to teacher seminars to bring showstopping ideas back to your studio.

Pink Friday

The convention kicks off Friday evening with our annual Pink Friday sale! Shop some of our favorite styles at a discounted price and even get a chance to purchase Showstopper Magazine props and styles right out of our closet! This is the largest Showstopper store we set up each year. You never know what you might find. Plus, take some of the first classes of the weekend when you’re not shopping until you drop. Plus, take some of the first classes of the weekend when you’re not shopping until you drop. Make sure you’re there when the doors open because these items go fast!

Teacher Perks:

• Studio Rebate Program!• Teachers’ business seminars where experts give you their best ideas• Choreography videos emailed after convention weekend• Welcome gift for all registered teachers

The Faculty

We have a cast of incredible instructors joining us in Myrtle Beach this fall! Meet them and read about the incredible places they have danced from Broadway to the big screen at

Get Ready!

Showstopper will be dancing in Myrtle Beach October 20-22, 2023! Attending is as easy as registering—as an independent or with your studio—at! You can even book your room through the Showstopper room block. See you soon, dancers!