Gianna Grim is a 12-year-old dancer from Ohio. She dances at Natalie’s Dance Company.

“I would like to use dance to impact my community by showing that dance can build a sense of team spirit and it can promote positive self-esteem and body image.”

Tell us about your dance experience!

I have been dancing on Natalie’s Dance Competition team since I was 4 years old. I have learned many amazing things from my dance teacher, Miss Natalie. She has guided me to winning multiple regional titles and four national titles. Miss Natalie has always pushed me to do my best by believing in me when at times, I didn’t believe in myself. Two final things that dance has brought me was being able to assist with Taylor Quinn two years in a row at Showstopper conventions and having the privilege of being in a Showstopper Opening Number!

How does dance have a positive impact on your life?

Dance has had a major impact on my life. First, I met my forever best friend through dancing. She supports me, makes me laugh, and spends hours on FaceTime giggling with me. Also, I do not have any siblings so, going to dance makes me feel like I have more sisters and brothers than I could ever ask for!

How do you want to use dance to have a positive impact on your community?

I would like to use dance to impact my community by showing that dance can build a sense of team spirit and it can promote positive self-esteem and body image. Also, I could use dance to impact the community by teaching that dance and other activities can help people overcome personal obstacles in their lives. For example, I lost my Papa and one of my best friends. Being so young when I lost them both, I struggled with a lot of sadness and fear. Luckily, I had dance as something positive in my life that helped heal me and my heart.

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Showstopper Magazine Online is a site for teens to get connected, inspired, and creative! We are always talking about the latest trends in lifestyle, beauty, fashion, music, and of course, dance! We were founded by the creatives at Showstopper, America’s #1 Dance Competition, as another way we hope to add a little sparkle to your day!