When many people think of success, they think of academic achievements or accomplishments, such as getting a high GPA, getting into certain colleges, and being on the honor roll. While these are all things to be proud of, there are other ways to achieve beyond academics. For dancers, success can be found in and out of the studio, on the stage, and through your team. Let’s acknowledge our non-academic success as fully as our academic success and plan for big wins everywhere we go!
Set Your Own Goals
When it comes to setting goals, everyone’s on their own path. Your goals might look different than your teammate, classmate, or someone else your age. That doesn’t mean it is a “bad goal.” It just means you are creating your own path to success which is even better! Set goals that are realistic but also motivate you to work harder and get closer to your dreams. This can be getting a new turn sequence, a back handspring, or first place at a competition. It is okay to create your own path, even if everyone else’s looks entirely different.
Use your Passion and Drive
Your love for dance or anything else you do can be a powerful force if you know how to use it. Use that fire and light inside you to drive yourself closer to your goals and dreams. Make sure you dedicate time and put the hours in for what you want. Show up to an open gym to practice your tricks. Take private lessons. Stay up a bit later to practice the choreography. If you truly want to see success, putting in the work is so important, and it will be 10 times easier to put in the work if it stems from passion in your heart.
Celebrate All the Wins
It’s easy to only celebrate the big achievements (like taking first place overall). But don’t forget to celebrate the smaller achievements that led up to each bigger one, whether that is getting third place for the first time or getting over a mental block. Celebrate the small things and recognize how hard you worked.
Be Patient
When you are chasing goals, there are periods where you might struggle more than others or see less progress than usual. Don’t give up or think you aren’t good enough! Push through and be patient, knowing that your time is coming. Until then, just keep working hard and overcoming those challenges or bumps in the journey. They’re part of the process.