Camryn Quinlan is that friend who loves to share her latest favorite songs with you and always starts impromptu concerts in the car. Thirteen-year-old Camryn is also one of the twenty-five young artists in Pentatonix’s new project Acapop! KIDS and a young singer-songwriter chasing her dreams and sharing her art.
Camryn has been releasing songs since, at ten years old, she dropped her first single, “Better Days,” which brought awareness to teen suicide prevention and raised money for The Muse Within, a youth music non-profit that encourages kids to use music to be confident and happy.
Since then, Camryn has released three other singles including her latest release, “Ain’t No Second Chance,” showing off the growth in her vocal range and songwriting ability with each new song. “I have just always had a love for music,” Camryn says about her journey. “I loved singing and the thought of performing was my dream since I could remember.”
“Ain’t No Second Chance,” Camryn told us, was “inspired by past relationships and friendships,” but we wanted to know how she gets from inspiration to single. “I start with chords or an idea, going into lyrics and then usually a melody,” she said.
For most artists, a love of music doesn’t necessarily lead to acapella, but for Camryn it just made sense. “I always harmonized to songs on the radio,” she said, “so it was kind of like I was already doing that.” Plus, collaborating with people on a musical level is perfect for this outgoing star. “I always thought it would be cool to work with other people.”
“It’s fun [collaborating] because you get to work with kids your own age and who love the same things as you do,” Camryn said of Acapop!’s other members. “It’s like being on a sports team. We all have each other’s back.” Acapop! KIDS is definitely a team effort. Each music video features multiple cast members using their vocal talents to bring a popular song together.
Both her work raising awareness and work with Acapop! KIDS on covers of popular songs (her favorite cover so far was “High Horse” by Kacey Musgraves) are part of Camryn’s larger ideas about what music can do for the world. “Music is really empowering, and it speaks to people on a deeper level,” she said. “Music can be a force for good because music can be very healing and lift your emotions up. Sometimes a song explains exactly how you feel, and it’s good to know you’re not alone.”