The next installment in the Descendants franchise added a new cast member. Disney+ announced Paolo Montalban will play King Charming, Cinderella’s husband and Chloe’s dad. Cinderella is played by Brandy, and this is a magical Disney reunion! Brandy and Paolo previously paired up as Cinderella and Prince Charming in Walt Disney Television’s 1997 movie Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella. They were made to be Disney royalty!
The large ensemble cast for the film also includes Kylie Cantrall (Disney’s High School Musical: The Musical: the Series) as Red, Malia Baker (The Babysitters Club) as Chloe, Brandy (Queens) as Cinderella, Rita Ora (Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight) as The Queen of Hearts, China Anne McClain (Disney’s Descendants 2 and Descendants 3) as Uma, Dara Reneé (Disney’s High School Musical: The Musical: the Series) as Uliana, Ruby Rose Turner (Disney’s Coop and Cami Ask the World) as Bridget/Young Queen of Hearts, Morgan Dudley (Jagged Little Pill on Broadway) as Ella/Young Cinderella, Joshua Colley (Senior Year) as Hook, Melanie Paxson (Descendants) as Fairy Godmother, Jeremy Swift (Ted Lasso) as Principal Merlin, and Leonardo Nam (Westworld) as Maddox Hatter.
Descendants: The Rise of Red continues to follow the teen children of Disney’s most famous heroes and villains. “The Rise of Red follows the story of Red, the rebellious daughter of the Queen of Hearts, and Chloe, Cinderella’s perfectionist daughter. When the tyrannical Queen of Hearts incites a coup against Auradon, polar opposites Red and Chloe must join forces and travel back in time to undo the traumatic event that set Red’s mother down her villainous path.” Returning to Auradon and the Isle of the Lost, Descendants: The Rise of Red will also introduce new magical locations including Wonderland, “a magical, mysterious place made famous in Alice in Wonderland.”
There is currently no official release date for Descendants: The Rise of Red.