So you’ve been off Dance moms for awhile now; what’s life been like since then?
It has been amazing! I have so many fun projects I’m working on, I feel like I’m living a dream everyday!
What was the best part about being on Dance Moms?
The cast and crew were like one big family and I love each and every one of them!
What was the most difficult part?
It was really hard to learn the dances in 2 days! I got used to it, but it never got easy!
Can you tell us one thing most people wouldn’t know about Dance Moms?
One thing most people don’t know is that all the moms and all the kids are really good friends! I know there is a lot of drama on the show but after filming we would all hang out, go to dinner, and go shopping!
How long have you been dancing?
I started dancing when I was 2 years old! That’s actually when I did my first solo too! It was to “Mama I’m a Big Girl Now” and I was still wearing a diaper!
What’s your favorite genre of dance?
I love Hip Hop, Musical Theatre, and Jazz! I really love to have fun and perform!
What’s your favorite dance you’ve ever done?
I’ve done so many dances it’s hard to choose but on Abby’s Ultimate Dance Competition, it would be my Rapunzel solo. On Dance Moms it would be my Zombie Hip Hop solo. Another one I loved was at my old studio; we did a super fun number to Donkey Pot Pie and I was the Donkey!
What do you love about Showstopper?
Showstopper is amazing! Everyone is so nice and I love that at the awards ceremony they recognize you if you win your category not just overalls. Every dancer works hard so the more kids that get recognized for their work the better!
What dancer (famous or not) has had the biggest influence on you? Why?
I love so many dancers! When I was at my studio I loved learning choreography from Patrice Barakat and taking class from Mark Meismer. When I was on Dance Moms I loved working with Gianna Martello, Guy Amir, and Abby. In the professional world I love Paula Abdul!
Why do you love dance?
I love dance because it’s fun and all my friends love dance too! We have so much fun when we are together dancing!
How long have you been dancing?
I started dancing when I was 2 years old! That’s actually when I did my first solo too! It was to “Mama I’m a Big Girl Now” and I was still wearing a diaper!
You’ve done so much in your career so far, what are you most proud of?
I am super proud of my music video Boomerang!
Do you have any plans for another song and music video?
Of course! I love recording music and making videos. Boomerang is only the beginning!
Who would be your dream singer to work with?
I love Britney Spears and Meghan Trainor so much! I would be sooooo super excited to work with them both!
Where would be your dream place to perform?
Any big stage with lots of screaming fans (and if they’re wearing bows that’s a bonus!).
Getting up on a big stage is probably scary. Do you have any good luck routines before you go on?
I just tell myself no matter what happens, just make it happen!
You just signed a deal with Nickelodeon for JoJo Merchandise… Can you tell us more about that?
There is going to be so much fun stuff. Soooo many sparkles and fun colors! 2017 is going to be full of new JoJo merchandise!
What’s the best advice you could give to other dancers?
Keep dancing, be yourself, be confident, have fun, and never ever give up! Dancing is supposed to be
fun, so have fun!