Two months ago, Kylie Jenner tweeted an announcement that turned her fans’ world upside down. Her cosmetics line, formerly only available online, would be making its way into Ulta Beauty stores around the United States during the holiday season. Later, she revealed that this makeup holiday would be taking place on November 17, 2018.
I’m so excited to let you guys know that @KylieCosmetics will be coming to all @ultabeauty stores around the country this holiday!… More to come…
— Kylie Jenner (@KylieJenner) August 30, 2018
Now, we know that the first products to make it into stores will be available this weekend. Kylie’s famous and highly sought-after Lip Kits will be rolling out first with palettes and other products making their way into stores later.
Accompanying the collection’s brick and mortar debut, a holiday collection will also be introduced this holiday season. On November 19, Kylie Cosmetics will launch its third annual holiday collection featuring a Baby It’s Cold Outside set of Lip Kits, metallic lipsticks, powder highlighters and more will be for sale. Basically, Black Friday isn’t going to stand a chance after this weekend.