American Girl is an iconic franchise for kids and adult alike. With books, animated movies, a musical, and of course, countless dolls with their own individual stories, American Girl has been telling their stories since 1986. Even with their incredible success, they’re always looking for the next big thing, the next story to tell. The latest story? A live-action movie.

Mattel has a lot of movie partnerships in the works. A Hot Wheels live-action film and a Barbie film (starring Margot Robbie!) are both being produced with Warner Bros. Pictures. They’re also working with Sony Pictures to bring the Masters of the Universe (you know, He-Man and all of his friends) onto the big screen as well. Even with all of these projects on the way, American Girl might be the one to keep the closest eye on.

Obviously, they aren’t new to the movie scene. American Girl alone has several successful movies, including the 2008 movie Kit Kittredge: An American Girl, starring Abigail Breslin. It seems like they’re trying to go above and beyond with this one, though. In their press release, Mattel Chairman and CEO Ynon Kreiz, said, “In MGM and Erik [of Picturestart] we have world-class partners and we look forward to working with them to give our passionate American Girl fans of all ages another way to connect with this iconic brand.”

Unfortunately, with the movie concept only just released, Mattel hasn’t given us any details about the plot or the cast yet let alone a release date. So, we have plenty of time to put together theories about which dolls will be coming to life through some of our favorite kid actors.


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Veronica Good has been with Showstopper Magazine since 2016. When she isn't keeping you updated on the latest trends, she is at home with her many pets or probably playing The Sims 4. Veronica has a BA in English and an MA in writing from Coastal Carolina University. She is also a writer of fiction and poetry, and her work can be found in Archarios, Tempo, and Scapegoat.