When So You Think You Can Dance left off last week, there was still half of the contemporary choreography round and group number left ahead of them. Talia Favia’s contemporary routine sent Jarrod Paulson, Luke Romanzi, and more home, but it was also the push some of the dancers needed to get it together for the rest of The Academy.
The Group Round
Mandy Moore was in charge of the group round, and, as usual, she was ready to bring these tired dancers together into a beautiful production. There was a twist, though. Instead of teaching the dancers completely new choreography for the group number, she used the choreography from the three routines they had learned in the first two days of The Academy to create a number that offered a little bit to every style.
43 dancers made it to the group number, the fin al step before performing the solos that could put them in the Top 20. “You know you’ve done something special when you bring tears to a b-boy’s eyes,” Nigel said about the group number after the fun on stage brought D-Trix to tears. He wouldn’t be the only one. This number spelled the end for ten of the remaining dancers.
With 33 solos to watch, it’s a wonder the judges were able to make a decision. With immediate stars like Madison Jordan and Stephanie Sosa making a clear impression, others like tapper Eddie Hoyt still struggled to get over their nerves.
That doesn’t mean we didn’t see incredible performances. From Sumi Oshima’s indefinable and mesmerizing hip hop technique to Bailey Munoz emotional b-boy pride, many of the Top 20 picks come as no surprise.
The Top 20
When the last solo was over, it was time for the judges to make the hard decision and 13 more dancers.
Top 10 Girls:
Anna Linstruth, Sophie Pittman, Ashley Sanchez, Sofia Ghavami, Nazz Sldyran, Madison Jordan, Melany Mercedes, Stephanie Sosa, Sumi Oshima, Mariah Russell
Top 10 Boys:
Bailey Munoz, Brandon Talbott, Benjamin Castro, Ezra Sosa, Vlad Kvartin, Nathan Cherry, Aleksandr Ostanin, Gino Coscuella, Bryan “Clocks” Volozanm, Eddie Hoyt
It might not be the best idea to get attached this lineup of talented dancers. Next week, The Academy continues. The Top 20 will be paired with one of SYTYCD‘s incredible choreographers and an All Star for a duet outside of their style. Then, the dancers will face the final cut that decides who will make it to the Top 10.