This article originally appeared in the Spring 2024 Life Without Limits issue of Showstopper Magazine.

Photo: courtesy of The Rollettes, Design: Holly Childs

In the world of dance, where expression knows no boundaries, The LA Rollettes have emerged not only as a powerhouse dance team but as a transformative community that empowers women with disabilities. We sat down and chatted with the team behind the LA Rollettes to share more of their story and opportunities with you!

The Rollettes is more than just a dance team; it’s a community of empowered women. Can you tell us about the origin story of the Rollettes and how the group has evolved since its inception?

“The Rollettes started back in 2012. Chelsie Hill, Rollettes Founder/CEO, was injured when she was in high school and felt a strong desire for both dance and community after her diagnosis. Having danced for the majority of her life, Chelsie pulled together as many women with disabilities as she could for her dance class. That was just the beginning. The need for friends, especially those that understand what you’re going through more than most, is what drove her and the founding members of the team to keep going. Today, we aim to empower women and girls with disabilities to live soundlessly and shift perspectives through dance globally.”

You refer to members of your community as “Boundless Babes.” What does this mean to you?

“Anyone can be a Boundless Babe. It’s a mindset that prepares one for their biggest dreams and goals. To us, living soundlessly means not letting anyone or anything get in your way. There’s a huge narrative around disability that disabled people are ‘limited’ and ‘bound.’ We strive to dispute that, and show people that there’s nothing ‘less than’ about having a disability. Disabled people have proven just how powerful and capable we are, and the Rollettes aims to highlight that.”

“A Boundless Babe sets their mind on something and goes for it. They pursue independence mentally, physically, and emotionally. They prove to everyone and themselves that they can do anything.”
— Chelsie Hill

What are some of the challenges the Rollettes have overcome as a wheelchair dance team, and how have these challenges strengthened the team’s bond and determination?

“Some people may hold the opinion that wheelchair users can’t dance. We find this to be a very limited opinion, and want to open the minds of others and prove them wrong. For us, dance is a massive outlet of creativity, but also showcases the power of disability. With every performance, we’re challenged by our environment, but we never stop dancing, and we never will.”

How can people interested in joining the Rollettes or supporting the team get involved and contribute?

“We love connecting with others on social media! A lot of events (like the Rollettes Experience) we host, our travels, and upcoming opportunities are shared there. Every year or two, we open up our Lil Sis program, which gives individuals an opportunity to get a taste of what it’s like to be a Rollette part-time. Full-time members of Rollettes must be based in Southern California, so this program is a great way for us to get to know potential team members, and vice versa. We may be looking to grow our Lil Sis group soon, so if anyone is interested in joining, keep an eye on our social media!

IG: @rollettes_la
TikTok: @rollettes_la
YouTube: Rollettes Dance Team

Photo: courtesy of The Rollettes, Design: Holly Childs

Dance is a significant part of the Rollettes Experience (RE). Could you elaborate on the dance classes and workshops offered during the event and how they contribute to building confidence and challenging attendees in a positive way?

“Rollettes started with dance! It’s the core and foundation of everything we are, so we love hosting dance classes at Rollettes Experience every summer! Chelsie and Conner, Rollettes founder and team captain, typically each teach a class. We also bring in professional choreographers that we love working with throughout the year to teach as well, offering hip hop and contemporary styles of dance. There’s something powerful that happens during the dance classes. You look around and see other women connecting with their bodies on a level they maybe never have before. Through movement, confidence is achieved, and giving our attendees a space to feel that is one of our favorite things to witness.”

“We strive to show the world that disabled people are boundless. There is no limit to what we can achieve, especially with our community behind us.”

RE welcomes women of all ages and disabilities from around the world. What do you believe makes this event so inclusive?

“Living with a disability can be quite isolating at times. Rollettes Experience gives other women and girls with disabilities the opportunity to feel comfortable embracing who they are. It’s a safe space. We strive to provide a level of comfort to our attendees but also push them to navigate their lives and think about themselves in a different way than they have before. We’ve found that Rollettes Experience is the perfect place for this to happen for so many people because you have the support of your community behind you every step of the way.”

Beyond dance, what are some of the other elements that make RE a unique experience?

“Rollettes Experience is so much more than dance! We offer other health and fitness classes and workshops. Adaptive yoga, seated bodyweight workouts, and group intensive workouts are usually on the schedule of events for RE. This past summer, we hosted a sound bath session and class on divine feminine energy.

Beyond health and fitness, fashion, and beauty, and lifestyle is a focus at RE. We host a makeup seminar with disabled makeup artist Steph Aiello every year. Bri Scalesse, disability advocate and model, has flown into LA to host a Modeling and Posing class the last couple of years.

Seminar-style classes are also held at RE. We try to highlight different topics of conversation every year. We also have a lineup of Kids and Teens classes every year, offering dance, sports, art, and more!”

For someone considering attending RE for the first time, what would you want them to know?

“A lot of people may be hesitant to attend RE for the first time. Don’t be! Rollettes Experience can be overwhelming at first. Surrounding yourself with new people in a new place is sometimes a massive undertaking, but you’ll feel at home right away! Everyone takes away something different from RE. You seem to get exactly what you need in the moment!”

What message do you hope the Rollettes and RE convey to the world about the abilities and potential of people with disabilities?

“We strive to show the world that disabled people are boundless. There is no limit to what we can achieve, especially with our community behind us.”

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Holly is the Editor-in-Chief of Showstopper Magazine! A designer, writer, and photographer, keeping up with Holly is easier said than done as she regularly travels to new places. As the mastermind behind the magazine, Holly has a knack for finding great stories and getting them on the page. She and her furry assistant Cornelius are always up to something fabulous! You can follow Holly's travels and breathtaking experiences (and even magazine updates) on Instagram (@hollyachilds)!