Before the year is over, you should set yourself up for success in the new year by getting down to business and tackling the one dance chore you still have to do before your holiday break is over — cleaning out your dance bag. Grab your pointe shoes, your turning socks, and whatever bobby pins are left! It’s time to tidy up.
Put Together a Hair Kit
It’s time to put an end to pointe shoelaces getting tangled in your hairbrush bristles and scattering bobby pins and hair ties all over your dance bag! You’ll probably want to organize your makeup, too, but that’s a separate kit.
Deodorize Those Shoes
You’ve complained about them. Your friends have complained about them. Your mom has definitely complained about them. It’s time to take care of those smelly dance shoes. Check out our hacks for keeping your dance shoes smelling fresh, here.
Do Your Laundry
If you have any very-loved leotards, dirty socks, or anything else that has been in the bottom of your bag begging for a wash, now is the time to do it! Pull it all out and toss it in the washing machine. Before you get organized, you have to clean everything out.
Restock on Any Must-Have Supplies
Bobby pins, deodorant, band-aids, more bobby pins (we know you’re always losing them!), make a list of everything you need in your dance bag and go shopping! Start off the new year fully stocked and ready for anything!