Spring is the perfect time to hit the reset button and give your life a refresh. Your room isn’t just a place where to sleep. It’s a space to work out, recharge, get creative, and have friends over. Having a newly clean and freshly organized space will help you stay motivated and inspired so you can keep going after your goals. Tackling this is easier than you think. Let’s refresh your space so you can feel inspired and rejuvenated.

Set the Vibe

Just because you have to clean and do chores (probably not how you want to spend your time) doesn’t mean it can’t be fun. Putting on some music brings the mood up! Create a playlist with all your favorite upbeat songs, or find a playlist of jams. Music will help keep your energy up and provide a soundtrack for mini dance breaks in between tasks.

Take It One Step at a Time

Looking at everything you have to clean and organize can become overwhelming. It can be helpful to break your space down into sections. Break your room into areas (desk, closet, dresser, floor) or into tasks (change the sheets, vacuum, fold clothes). Going section by section makes the work smaller and less intimidating. Take breaks in between the sections! 

Go Through Your Dance Gear

Dancers live busy lives, so throwing things around your space after a long practice is easy. This is messy, and things get left in the wrong place or get lost. So take some time to go through your leotards, workout clothes, shoes, and anything else you use daily. This is also a great opportunity to check that everything still fits, you still like it, and it is in good condition. 

Refresh your Bed

Your bed should be a safe and cozy space. Take your sheets and blankets off the bed and throw them in the wash. (Best practice is to do this once every one or two weeks.) There is no better feeling than sleeping in a clean bed. You can even spritz essential oils or perfume on your pillowcases to create a luxurious and relaxing place to rest.

Change Your Decor

Sometimes the best thing you can do is change the decorations around your room. It can leave you feeling refreshed and inspired. Consider changing your wall decor, adding more lights, and adding inspirational quotes around your room. You can also have a fun craft day with your friends where you can make new decorations for your space that are personal to you. If you don’t want to change your decor, rearranging your furniture can make a big difference. 

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Trina Hannah is a graphic design major and dancer at Siena Heights University. She loves all things creative including photography, painting, and writing. Trina has a passion for helping other young women build up their self esteem and chase their dreams all while making a positive impact.