Jayda Turner is a 13-year-old dancer from Bellevue, Nebraska. She dances at Sue’s Stepper-ettes and Motion Works.

“[Dance] gives me the feeling of peace and joy, and I can tune out everything around me. I feel this passion comes out through my dancing and others can feel the love that I have When I dance.”
Dance has always been a positive in my life, no matter what was going on, how bad my day was, or how sick I had gotten at one point in my life. It gives me the feeling of peace and joy, and I can tune out everything around me. I feel this passion comes out through my dancing and others can feel the love that I have when I dance. It is a way to escape all the negativity in the world. I have met the best friends and teachers through dance and have seen some amazing places that I may not have seen. It has made me a stronger person, mentally and physically.
I feel I use dance to make a positive influence already by having had the opportunity to perform for several local events. A few years ago, I was able to perform at the annual event for You Go Girl, a local organization to empower young girls. The girls at this inner city event had never seen baton twirling before and were in awe. I perform at events often for my church. Recently, I performed for their “Simply Christmas” show that thousands were able to watch online. I will be performing a lyrical dance on Mother’s Day at a community event that I hope to inspire the young girls in attendance.