Maddie Daly is a thirteen-year-old dancer from Lincoln, Rhode Island. She dances at The Dance Factory and Heritage Ballet.
“I hope by telling my story, people will realize they can reach their goals no matter what obstacles come their way.”
How does dance have a positive impact on your life?
I was born with a hearing impairment that affects my balance, and when I got my hearing aid, the doctors didn’t know if I could dance competitively anymore. I worked really hard on my strength and balance and, six years later, I’m still doing what I love. I’m also really quiet and dance helps me express what I’m too shy to say in words. Dance has given me everlasting friendships and provided me with supportive role models. The values of hard work, perseverance, and confidence have helped me in academics, relationships, and have made me the person I am today.
How do you want to use dance to have a positive influence on your community?
In my dance studio, I help teach little kids ballet. I hope to show them that hard work and perseverance will help them reach their goals. I take extra technique classes at a ballet studio to improve my balance. I hope by telling my story, people will realize they can reach their goals no matter what obstacles come their way. I still get nervous every time I get on stage to do my solo, but I do it because I love to dance, and maybe other people will realize that if I can do it, they can do it too.