Sundays are the perfect opportunity to set yourself up for success in the week ahead. As the last day of the weekend, Sundays put you in a position to change your mindset from dreading a new week to feeling capable and ready to tackle it. With the right planning, Sunday will leave you feeling confident and ready to rock!
Plan it Out
Planning out your week keeps you organized and on track. It should only take about 15 minutes to write out an overview of what the week has in store and what you want to accomplish. Take notes in a planner, your phone calendar or notes app, or on sticky notes placed where you will see them often. This will help you track classes, sports, and plans with friends.
This quick look ahead is a small way to ease stress. If you know what you have coming up, additional plans or to-dos during the week will be easier to accomplish. A tiny bit of focus goes a long way.
Maintain Goals for the Week
A new week means more time for new opportunities and accomplishments. What are some things that you want to accomplish this week? Maybe you want to get a new turn sequence, get a higher grade on an upcoming test, or go to bed earlier. Write down two to three goals somewhere that you will see them. Your bathroom mirror or bedroom door are great places to put them so you’ll see them frequently.
Stay Fashionable
It can be stressful to pick an outfit in the morning, knowing you’re running out of time to get ready. So, plan outfits to wear throughout the week (or backups for extra sleepy mornings). It will save you time and help you not stress out over what to wear that day. If planning five or more days of outfits at once is difficult, picking options for a couple of days is helpful.
Get Ahead
Staying on top of your homework can get difficult during a busy week. Extra time on Sunday is the perfect chance to sit down and see how you can make your school week easier. Set aside an hour to study for your next test or start homework early. Even small amounts of work make a big difference in managing stress during the week.
Have the Right Mindset
Not every week can be your best week. We all have our ups and our downs. Having a rational mindset leaves you open to problem-solving when things get complicated. It’s not a personal failure if every day doesn’t go according to plan! Every new week is a new chance. One bad week doesn’t define you.