The world premiere of Ib Andersen’s Eroica is not taking place on any ordinary stage. The Arizona Ballet is taking their talents and Anderson’s celebration of the beauty of the desert and a conversation about the current world social and political landscapes to the Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix, Arizona.

Anderson’s contemporary vision combines the beauty of desert landscapes with the majesty of Beethoven’s Third Symphony. The performance focuses on the majestic, but it explores what it means to be human in the 21st century through visuals and sounds that awaken the audience as they connect with the performers.

The performance’s goal is to encourage viewers to think about how they interact with the world around them, both the natural and unnatural landscapes. Of Eroica, Ib Anderson says “I hope that people come out of this experience with a lot of different ideas and feelings. Eroica is going to be a very visual show, one that leaves you with an uplifting message in the end, with hope and trust in humanity.”
Unfortunately, performances of Anderson’s latest masterpiece will will not be around for long. Ballet Arizona begins performances of this piece at the Desert Botanical Garden May 15, 2018 and will hold them at 8PM Tuesday through Saturday until June 2, 2018.
For more information about this striking exploration of the world through dance, visit Ballet Arizona’s website,