Dancers are busy! Going to class, spending time with friends, and working out quickly pack your schedule. Working out helps you become stronger and ready to tackle whatever dance routines your teacher throws at you, but they can be hard to fit in. Let’s dive into some quick but effective workouts you can do at the gym or home.

Short Core Routine

Strong core muscles are essential for good balance, completing turns, and overall control when dancing. This quick workout targets all the right core muscles.


Hold a plank position on your elbows or hands for one minute. Focus on keeping your body in a straight line throughout the entire plank, engaging your core muscles. If you want to make this harder, add hip dips. Dip your right hip down, then up, and repeat the same on the left side. 

Russian Twists

Start by sitting, with your knees bent. Lean back slightly and twist your body side to side. Do this for a set time—for instance, one minute on, one off—or do two sets of reps, a set of 15 is a great start.

Leg Raises

Lay on your back and lift your legs straight up and down. Repeat for one minute.

Arm Routine

Arm strength is important for completing handstands, lifts, and other upper-body dance moves. These exercises simple arm exercises can be done anywhere and don’t require weights. 


Push-ups are an essential workout skill. If you’re a beginner, you can do knee push-ups to start, but build strength to complete full push-ups for better results. With your elbows at 45 degrees, your back and shoulders in a straight line, go down to level with the floor and then push back up to the starting position. Repeat for one minute.


Supermans are a common arm workout. Lie on your stomach with your arms and legs straight out. Raise your arms and legs until you feel your back muscles contract. Your core muscles should keep your torso stable. Hold this for 1 minute. 

Fitting in a quick workout is always better than doing none at all. Even if you don’t have time to do a whole lower body circuit or go to the gym, try one of these to engage your muscles and get moving.

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Trina Hannah is a graphic design major and dancer at Siena Heights University. She loves all things creative including photography, painting, and writing. Trina has a passion for helping other young women build up their self esteem and chase their dreams all while making a positive impact.