Lisbey Figueroa is an 18-year-old dancer from Port St. Lucie, Florida. She dances at Mrs. P’s Dance & Acrobatic Studio PSL.
“My biggest goal is to inspire others with not just my talent but with my words, with my love, and all the positive energy I like to spread to others.”
Dance to me isn’t about winning first place or winning awards; it was never about numbers to me. Dance is a way of me expressing my emotions in ways that others wouldn’t be able to understand, to be able to tell a story through my body. I have a deep connection with dance, and I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t dance at all. Dance allows me to be myself where I can clear my mind and just dance; it’s like being in your own world.
My biggest goal is to inspire others with not just my talent but with my words, with my love, and all the positive energy I like to spread to others. It’s so important to me to mostly inspire the younger dancers who are the dance communities upcoming generation of dancers. Having someone to look up to inspires them to keep working hard and to reach that goal. It has always been important to me that everyone understands what they are capable of doing and to always be the best versions of themselves while dancing.