Did you ever expect to see a So You Think You Can Dance film? Well, this week, the show opened with a less traditional opening number than we’ve seen in the past. The Top 6 showed us a detention scene that quickly dissolved into a rainy hip hop group performance and dance battle.
Last week the Top 8 took on Broadway, and tough performances and harsh criticism narrowed the group down to the Top 6. The remaining dancers have to prove they can act and dance on camera in Hollywood scenes ahead of an elimination that will reveal the Top 5. For “Movie Week,” the dancers worked with choreographers Jamal Sims and Chris Scott to learn the boundaries of the silver screen.
Jamals’ Team

Anthony, Dakayla, and Mariyah worked on Jamal’s Frankenstein vision where Frankenstein and Igor characters, played by Mariyah and Dakayla, put together the “perfect gentleman,” played by Anthony, with the energy of Footloose.
While they put their short film together, Jamal recognized the talent of each dancer individually but noticed that they struggled to dance and act as a team which could derail the whole project. Trying to bring iconic moves from Footloose and the whimsical chaotic idea for their new film together resulted in some confusion.
If you thought a sauce Footloose-meets-Frankenstein number was missing from your favorite dances, this trio brought it to life and earned a standing ovation from the judges. Allison called Anthony a star in this film, and JoJo cheered Dakayla on for nailing her Igor character (Allison wanted to see more changes in her character). Mariyah thought the way she felt about the performance didn’t match what they saw on screen, but Maks empathized with her critical eye and called her a star.
Chris’ Team

Inspired by “When the Sun Goes Down” from In the Heights, Chris worked with Easton, Jaylin, and Madison to turn this musical duet into a trio performance. Jaylin would watch a film on TV, fall asleep, and find that Jaylin and Madison had come out of the TV to dance with him.
During rehearsals, Jayling revealed that he wanted to improve his technique. Madison wanted to perform well and authentically to gain Maks’ favor this week. Easton wanted to get a real taste for dancing in movies. Along with their personal challenges, they needed to overcome fears over complicated prop work to achieve the visuals Chris wanted.
JoJo shared that she loved watching this trio on screen, but Maks pointed out that Jaylin had a hard time shining next to Easton and Madison even during his solos. Allison complimented Easton for being a great leading man but encouraged him to show more of himself. Opposite him, Maks clapped for Madison’s sudden jump in how well she performed not only with technique but also acting.
The Bottom 3

Despite any compliments they may have received, Jaylin, Mariyah, and Dakayla found themselves in the Bottom 3. Coming back to perform their solos, they had to prove they had what it takes to continue dancing on our screens.
Mariyah was the first to perform her tear-filled fusion solo. Maks smiled when she came out, but JoJo and Allison felt she was holding back. Jaylin’s solo highlighted the ways he can use his body and facial expressions to make a crowd cheer with popping, locking, and tutting. Again Maks was all smiles. Allison wanted to see him take up more space outside of his small box. Dakayla performed the final solo, her second in the bottom. Maks called her performance “beyond expectation.”
The Top 5 is revealed. With the Bottom 3 dancers standing on stage, Allison revealed that Dakayla would be joining the Top 5 first. The last dancer moving on was Mariyah. This left Jaylin on stage with Cat to say his goodbyes. Leaving SYTYCD as the Top 6 dancer is no easy feat, and Allison and Cat reminded him that he has an a unique quality that belongs uniquely to him and that she knows he will continue.
Next week, the Top 5 return for the “On Tour” challenge Monday at 9 pm ET on FOX.