Hundreds of casting calls are posted every day. From small regional theaters to major Broadway touring companies, ensemble and even principal roles are constantly up for grabs for dancers of all genres and talents.
But what if you don’t fit the part? What if you’re too tall, too old, too young, or don’t have the exact vocal range they’re looking for?
Read them anyway.
Think of it like social media. You might not need to know about and you might not even participate in every single trend that shows up on your Instagram discover page or makes it to Trending on YouTube or Twitter, but knowing about them keeps you in the loop about what’s going on in the internet social space. It’s the same with casting calls.
By looking at new casting calls, even those that you don’t quite make the cut for, you are keeping yourself familiar with what casting directors are looking for. You’ll know how they want your headshots and resumes ready, how many pairs of shoes to bring, what types of Broadway songs to have at the ready, even what times of day certain casting calls tend to appear. You might even attend calls that you don’t fit the part for just for the practice of getting in front of a casting director.
When a casting call that fits you does come around, you’ll be more than prepared because you’ll know what to expect. In dance, every skill is useful, especially when they relate to future job opportunities, so don’t let this one fall through the cracks! Knowing your way around a casting call is like knowing how to do a good stretch.