If you’re looking for a chance to create a short dance routine for a platform a bit more serious than TikTok, The Shut In Film Fest is an opportunity to get inspired and share your choreographing talents. The festival is headed by professional filmmakers and editors that have provided filmmaking tutorials in things like perspective, filming on a phone, and audience as well as dance professionals with advice for performing for the screen.
So, you’re all set to work on your film and performance skills, but what dance do you do? To enter the festival, you will follow one of the four prompts–like creating a sense of community with architecture, blending in, or demonstrating what it means to be #stircrazy–provided to inspire a short dance sequence (less than two minutes) to submit. If you want to spend more time dancing than that, you’re in luck! According to the festival’s submission guidelines, you may
“Choose to submit to only one, only some, or all of the creative directives.”
Submissions are open from April 15 through May 15. Accepted submissions will be cut into short films that will try to capture things like our current sense of normalcy, history, and place. All you have to do is grab your phone and get your creativity flowing!