From choreographing a new routine to expressing yourself through improv, creativity is at the core of everything you do. However, it is normal to hit a wall sometimes. This creative rut happens to everyone, so while it feels bad, it is normal. There isn’t a single cure to taking down the wall. Each creative rut is a unique experiment in finding what your mind needs to get going again. For some, a change of pace is the best solution while for others need to backtrack to find their rhythm. It’s a process!

Change your Environment 

Switching up where you create or work can help stimulate your mind in subtle ways and help you think. Take your creative process to a coffee shop, outside, or to a friend’s house. Being in a new setting and place surrounded by different things can help you feel refreshed. For dance, switch up where you practice. Try out a different studio, dance outside, or mark steps in your kitchen, to feel the choreography in a new space.

Try Different Ways to Create

Don’t limit your creativity to one format! There are so many incredible art forms to explore! Painting, journaling, and drawing can be alternative ways of brainstorming ideas before you translate them to movement. If you don’t feel like doing hands-on creating, there are other ways to ignite that creative spark again. You could watch an uplifting movie, visit a museum or art gallery, or pick up a new motivating book. Develop your creations with the emotions brought on by other art.

Work with Others

Sometimes the best inspiration comes from working with others and being surrounded by different ideas and opinions. Consider asking a teammate to choreograph a dance with you, even if it is just a fun TikTok dance. Seeing how someone else comes up with ideas or creates can inspire you to try new things and branch out creatively. 

Remind Yourself of your ‘Why’

Everyone has an underlying “why.” This could be your “why” in life or “why” you dance. Whatever it is, it never hurts to reflect on it. Are you driven to connect with others? Are you motivated by a cause you want to advocate for? Remembering why you are creating and doing what you love can bring back that inspiration.

Take Some Time

If you’ve tried everything else and nothing seems to be working, it might be time to take a break. As frustrating as it can be, your creative rut may be a sign of exhaustion. In that case, only rest will help ease the block. Let your mind wander. Sometimes the best ideas come when you aren’t trying to find them.

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Trina Hannah is a graphic design major and dancer at Siena Heights University. She loves all things creative including photography, painting, and writing. Trina has a passion for helping other young women build up their self esteem and chase their dreams all while making a positive impact.