Earlier this week, pop superstar Lady Gaga announced a new project. Unlike her previous trip into film with A Star is Born, this project doesn’t seem to have anything to do with her music. Gaga dropped a promo for HAUS LABORATORIES, a new beauty brand that seems to be as bold as the style and poise we know Lady Gaga for, but with the wide range of possibilities for all styles and skin tones that we’ve come to expect from the beauty industry.
The line’s product line, “They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but at Haus Laboratories we say beauty is how you see yourself,” highlights an inclusivity and body positive undertone in Gaga’s campaign and we can’t wait to see what the rest of the line’s presentation will be like under a “We want you to love yourself” theme.
The first major cosmetics brand to be launched with none other than Amazon, HAUS LABORATORIES will hit the ground running with global reach, so it seems like almost anyone and everyone with a passion for beauty will be able to get their hands on it. It’s launching in nine countries right from the start.
But when will we get our hands on it? Pre-order starts July 15, but the release isn’t set until September. After that? With Gaga behind it, we imagine it’s going to be a stunner, so it’ll probably sell out fast.