Coop and Cami Ask the World and Ruby’s Gems actress Ruby Rose Turner’s latest project has nothing to do with the big screen. Instead, she’s branching into fashion with a line of exciting and hilarious handbags. The line, B.Rosy, features quirky bags that are modeled after everyday items with an added dash of pink and girly.

The B.Rosy Spring Collection fourteen bags ranging from cupcakes to avocados to everything in between. There’s a bag for every occasion, texture, level of sparkle, and amount of pink. And, with names like “Bakin’ Me Crazy” and “A-Dough-Rable”, there’s so much to love about them!





Next time you’re going to an event, this bag is your ticket to a cute outfit.





As if we needed an excuse to add any more rainbows to our wardrobes.





You’re always ready for a selfie. Now, your bag is, too.

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Veronica Good has been with Showstopper Magazine since 2016. When she isn't keeping you updated on the latest trends, she is at home with her many pets or probably playing The Sims 4. Veronica has a BA in English and an MA in writing from Coastal Carolina University. She is also a writer of fiction and poetry, and her work can be found in Archarios, Tempo, and Scapegoat.